
Learn how we repay from the generosity of our customers and their furry friends we help, by giving back to causes that continue to help our K9 community.

Why do we give back?

As a small business, we believe in the small acts of kindness and making a difference in any way we can. Especially when it comes to our fur-friends.

Which is why we have chosen specific a specific charity and community organisation whose purpose aligns with our Founder's values.

Here at Holistic Paw Health, it is important to us that we give back where possible to help those in need and return the generosity shown to us by our loyal customers.

Guide Dogs Australia

Guide Dogs Australia, in collaboration with its state and territory-based organisations, delivers essential services to children, teenagers, adults, and older Australians who are blind or have low vision.

Whilst Guide Dogs Australia (within their state and territory locations) offer a range of services to assist and support those with vision impairments, they are historically probably best known for their Guide Dogs.

Their dog services cover a variety of assistance and include:

~ Companion Dogs
(Provide ongoing support, happiness, and calming stability for people who already receive services through the organisation);

~ Therapy Dogs
(A source of love, friendship, and valuable knowledge to prepare children for partnering with a Guide Dog in the future);

~ Autism Assistance Dogs
(Carefully trained dogs that provide independence, peace of mind, and to support children with autism to feel comfortable, safe and confident in the community);

~ Facility Dogs
(Dogs who visit people, groups and places for a sense of calm and social connection)

Our Donations

We donate 5% of our revenue to Guide Dogs Australia for the support of their puppies on their journeys to becoming highly skilled Guide Dogs.

It costs $50,000 and takes over two years to breed, raise, and train one of these puppies and with this support, these puppies will go on to transform the lives of people with low vision or blindness.

Funds donated to Guide Dogs Australia go towards funding crucial services such as Orientation and Mobility, Guide Dog breeding and raising programs, Guide Dog training, Assistive Technology and much more


Headline that hooks people in, gets them excited and makes them want to sign up.

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