Top 5 Essential Oils for Dogs

Learn which essential oils are safe and have the right therapeutic benefits for your beloved pet so you can enhance their health today!

Dogs are our best friends

Let's care for them so we can share long happy healthy lives together

Our fur children really become part of the family, so wouldn't you want them to be with us for as long as possible and live happy healthy lives?

If we take care of ourselves with good nutrition, healthy supplements to boost health and enjoyment of activity, then why not do the same for our furry friends.

Here at Holistic Paw Health, we promote health and wellbeing for dogs in a way that supports them naturally. Meaning longer, healthier life and less ill-health and costly vet visits!


Naturopathic & Holistic

Offering you and your dog the best care naturally and holistically for improved health and longevity

~ Sick of expensive vet bills only to have the original issue return or even get worse? ~

~ Concerned about what may be in the products or food you are giving your beloved pet? ~

~ Looking for holistic methods and remedies to maintain your dog's health and wellbeing? ~

Well you have come to the right place. I offer naturopathic treatment with a heavy plant based approach through herbal tinctures and remedies, flower essences and natural nutrition to address various concerns owners may have about their dogs.

From skin conditions, gut health and immunity to easing anxiousness in dogs, I can assist you to look at natural methods to support your dog to better health.

I believe Veterinarians do have a place and can be an important practitioner for our dogs when necessary, but I also believe if we can reduce the need for unnecessary vet bills and opt for a natural wellness method then why not!

How I can help you

Canine Consults

Either in person or via Zoom, we discuss your concerns and a treatment plan or appropriate remedies to support their health and wellbeing are recommended.

Remedies & Supplements

Herbal Remedies, Flower Essences, Essential Oil Blends and other Nutritional Recommendations available to assist your dog.

We had tried everything the vet recommended to help our dogs skin condition. After hundreds of dollars spent, nothing was working and he was worse. Kat recommended some natural remedies and within a short time our dog's symptoms were better and we no longer need to constantly take him to the vet! Thank you!

- Belinda and Harvey (dog)


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